Northwest Arkansas experienced the "Ice Storm of the Decade" yesterday. Of course this storm arrived the same day I was scheduled to fly to New Orleans to see my buddy Jammer and take some much needed R&R.
Well I was supposed to leave at 11:45 Tuesday morning but ofcourse Mother Nature and American Airlines had different plans. My flight was rescheduled and rerouted and finally canceled. Okay bad weather... Yada, yada, yada.... I re-booked for 11:45 Wednesday morning.
Well it rained and sleeted and froze Tuesday night. I was the only person I know who did not lose my power and here is what I woke up to.

And yes, these are all photos of my house.
So today (Wednesday) I was confirmed on an 11:45 flight to New Orleans Via Dallas. I got up, got ready and went to the airport.
FYI, on Tuesday the weather was coming and on Wednesday the weather was here. I usually drive to the airport in about 25 minutes, yesterday it would have taken me 40 and today... two hours! That's right 25 miles on pure ice behind some jackass who would not go faster than 15 mph and then stopped in the middle of a goddamn hill... Why???? I have no f'ing idea!
Of course... I was stuck. I had to back down the hill and get a running start. I passed the jackass and gave a good long horn blast. The only bit of good feeling I had was that this idot was also stuck on the same hill but too dumb to back-up and try again. He was just spinning his tires.
So I got to the airport and checked in. They told me if I went through Dallas I would probably spend the night there. My options were Chicago O'Hare or St. Louis Lambert.
I know from experience that O'Hare is about the most messed-up airport I have ever been to so I picked St. Louis.
Long story short... I arrived in New Orleans at 7 p.m. and
Jammer and I ate a great dinner at
Mandina's in Mid-City. Whew!